Společnost VMware zveřejnila výsledky za třetí čtvrtletí fiskálního roku 2023

Celkové výnosy činí 3,21 miliardy USD

Výnosy z předplatného a SaaS dosáhly 988 milionů USD a vzrostly meziročně o 20 % 

PRAHA / PALO ALTO, Calif., 25. listopadu 2022 — Společnost VMware, Inc. (NYSE: VMW), přední inovátor v oblasti podnikového softwaru, oznámila hospodářské výsledky za třetí čtvrtletí fiskálního roku 2023:

  • Výnosy ve třetím čtvrtletí dosáhly 3,21 miliardy USD, což představuje nárůst o 1 % oproti třetímu kvartálu fiskálního roku 2022.
  • Výnosy z prodeje licencí, SaaS a předplatného činily 1,61 miliard USD, což představuje nárůst o 5 % oproti stejnému období fiskálního roku 2022.
  • Výnosy z předplatného a SaaS za třetí čtvrtletí činily 31 % celkových příjmů za toto čtvrtletí
  • Výnosy z předplatného a SaaS za třetí čtvrtletí činily 988 milionů USD, což znamená meziroční růst o 20 %.
  • Roční obrat z pravidelných výnosů (ARR) z předplatného a SaaS za třetí čtvrtletí činil 4,10 miliard USD, což znamená meziroční nárůst o 24 %.
  • Čistý zisk podle GAAP dosáhl ve třetím čtvrtletí 231 milionů USD, neboli 0,54 USD na akcii, což představuje 43% pokles v porovnání s 398 miliony USD, čili 0,94 USD na akcii ve stejném období fiskálního roku 2022. Čistý zisk bez vlivu metodiky GAAP za třetí kvartál činil 626 milionů USD, neboli 1,47 USD za akcii, což představuje pokles o 15 % na akcii v porovnání se 725 miliony USD, neboli 1,72 USD na akcii za třetí kvartál fiskálního roku 2022.
  • Provozní zisk podle GAAP za třetí čtvrtletí byl 390 milionů USD, což představuje pokles o 25 % oproti stejnému období fiskálního roku 2022. Provozní zisk za třetí kvartál bez vlivu metodiky GAAP dosáhl 857 milionů USD, což představuje snížení o 8 % oproti stejnému období fiskálního roku 2022.
  • Cash flow z provozní činnosti ve třetím čtvrtletí činilo 1,26 miliardy USD. Volný peněžní tok za třetí kvartál byl 1,16 miliard USD.

„Výsledky za 3. čtvrtletí splnily naše očekávání. V uplynulém čtvrtletí jsme prokázali, že inovace jsou motorem, který nás stále žene vpřed, jelikož jsme představili mnoho novinek v našem portfoliu, včetně VMware vSphere 8, VMware vSAN 8 a VMware Aria,“ řekl Raghu Raghuram, generální ředitel společnosti VMware. „Jsme i nadále odhodláni pomáhat zákazníkům při transformaci jejich podnikání a uvolňovat plný potenciál multi-cloudu.“

„Náš 24% růst ARR v oblasti předplatného a SaaS ve 3. čtvrtletí odráží růst v nasazování našeho portfolia multi-cloudových produktů a nedávno představených zákaznických programů,“ řekl Zane Rowe, výkonný viceprezident a finanční ředitel společnosti VMware. „Díky tomu, že i nadále vycházíme vstříc vyvíjejícím se potřebám našich zákazníků, jsme v tomto čtvrtletí zvýšili podíl příjmů z předplatného a SaaS na 31 % našich celkových příjmů.“

Dále pokračuje tisková zpráva v angličtině:

Business Highlights & Strategic Announcements 

  • At VMware Explore U.S. 2022, the company announced new and enhanced portfolio offerings, Cross-Cloud services and expanded partnerships to deliver a faster and smarter path to cloud for digital businesses. New technology offerings included:
    • VMware vSphere 8, which introduces a new era of computing by supporting DPUs (Data Processing Units) alongside CPUs and GPUs—making the future of modern infrastructure accessible to all enterprises.
    • VMware vSAN 8 for breakthrough performance and hyper-efficiency. 
    • VMware Aria, a new multi-cloud management portfolio, which provides a set of end-to-end solutions for managing cloud native applications and infrastructure.
    • VMware Cloud Foundation+, introducing a cloud-connected architecture for managing and operating full stack HCI in data centers.
    • Project Northstar, a preview of a major advancement of the VMware NSX platform, for multi-cloud networking, security and end-to-end visibility.
    • VMware Tanzu for Kubernetes Operations, which includes VMware Tanzu Mission Control, VMware Aria Operations for Apps and VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid will simplify Kubernetes delivery, management and reliability.
    • The extension of Workspace ONE Freestyle Orchestrator to mobile devices and third-party apps, for multi-platform automation and orchestration.
  • VMware recently announced an expansion of our partnership with IBM to help clients in regulated industries more easily move workloads to the cloud, with IBM Consulting now serving as a GSI partner for VMware.
  • VMware extended its ongoing collaboration with Microsoft to help customers with an Azure-first strategy to modernize enterprise VMware vSphere workloads quickly and cost-effectively in Microsoft Azure. 
  • VMware and AWS announced new capabilities in the jointly engineered VMware Cloud on AWS service and broad availability of VMware Cross-Cloud services on AWS Marketplace to help customers accelerate moving VMware workloads to modern and more secure infrastructure in AWS to support enterprise cloud transformation.
  • VMware introduced VMware Carbon Black Workload for AWS, which delivers advanced protection purpose-built for securing both traditional and modern workloads.
  • VMware received industry analyst recognition:
    • VMware was positioned by Gartner, Inc. as a Leader in the 2022 Gartner Magic Quadrant for SD-WAN.2 Previously known as the Gartner Magic Quadrant for WAN Edge Infrastructure, this year’s report marks the fifth consecutive year that Gartner has recognized VMware as a Leader in SD-WAN.
    • VMware was positioned by Gartner, Inc. as a Leader in the 2022 Magic Quadrant for Unified Endpoint Management (UEM) Tools.3 This is the fifth consecutive year VMware has been named. We believe Gartner recognized VMware as a Leader in this Magic Quadrant because of our Workspace One product. 
    • Analyst firm IDC ranked VMware No. 1 in the worldwide IT automation and configuration management (ITACM) 4 software market for 2021. This year’s report marks the fifth consecutive year that customers have helped VMware top the list in Worldwide IT Automation and Configuration.

1 Our annual estimated tax rate is based upon, among other things, current tax law regarding the impacts of Internal Revenue Code Section 174 (“Section 174”) research and development expense capitalization, which became effective beginning VMware’s fiscal 2023. Although the U.S. Congress continues to consider various legislative options that would defer the amortization requirement to later years, the financial results for the nine months ended October 28, 2022 reflect the impact of the tax law in effect as of October 28, 2022. The provided estimated tax adjustment range, in the table accompanying this release, reflects the non-GAAP adjustment we would expect should the capitalization provisions of Section 174 be deferred or repealed with effect for fiscal 2023.  

2 Gartner, Magic Quadrant for SD-WAN, By Jonathan Forest, Naresh Singh, Andrew Lerner, Karen Brown, 12 September 2022. Gartner does not endorse any vendor, product, or service depicted in its research publications, and does not advise technology users to select only those vendors with the highest ratings or other designation. Gartner research publications consist of the opinions of Gartner’s research organization and should not be construed as statements of fact. Gartner disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, with respect to this research, including any warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Gartner and Magic Quadrant are registered trademarks of Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and internationally and are used herein with permission. All rights reserved. This document was renamed from Magic Quadrant of WAN Edge Infrastructure to Magic Quadrant for SD-WAN in 2022.

3Gartner Magic Quadrant for Unified Endpoint Management Tools, Tom Cipolla, Dan Wilson, Chris Silva, Craig Fisler, August 1, 2022. 

4 The IDC report, “Worldwide IT Automation and Configuration Management Software Market Shares, 2021: Economic Recovery Drives Growth,” (doc #US49218922, June 2022) analyzed revenue and growth rate for the total market in calendar 2021, as well as revenues, shares and growth rates of select leading vendors.

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Definitive Agreement to be Acquired by Broadcom

VMware has entered into a definitive agreement to be acquired by Broadcom Inc. (“Broadcom”). The transaction, which is expected to be completed in Broadcom’s fiscal year 2023, is subject to the receipt of regulatory approvals and other customary closing conditions. Please refer to the May 26, 2022 announcement entitled, “Broadcom to Acquire VMware for Approximately $61 Billion in Cash and Stock,” available on news.vmware.com. 

Additional Information 

VMware’s website is located at vmware.com, and its investor relations website is located at ir.vmware.com. VMware’s goal is to maintain the investor relations website as a portal through which investors can easily find or navigate to pertinent information about VMware, all of which is made available free of charge. The additional information includes: materials that VMware files with the SEC; announcements of investor conferences, speeches and events at which its executives talk about its products, services and competitive strategies; webcasts of its earnings calls, investor conferences and events (archives of which are also available for a limited time); additional information on its financial metrics, including reconciliations of non-GAAP financial measures to the most directly comparable GAAP measures; press releases on quarterly earnings, product and service announcements, legal developments and international news; corporate governance information; ESG (environmental, social and governance) information; other news, blogs and announcements that VMware may post from time to time that investors may find useful or interesting; and opportunities to sign up for email alerts and RSS feeds to have information pushed in real time. 

VMware, vSphere, VMware vSAN, VMware Aria, Explore, NSX, Tanzu, Workspace ONE, and Carbon Black are registered trademarks or trademarks of VMware, Inc. or its subsidiaries in the United States and other jurisdictions. All other marks and names mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective organizations.

Use of Non-GAAP Financial Measures 

Reconciliations of non-GAAP financial measures to VMware’s financial results as determined in accordance with GAAP are included at the end of this press release following the accompanying financial data. For a description of these non-GAAP financial measures, including the reasons management uses each measure, please see the section of the tables titled “About Non-GAAP Financial Measures.” 

Annual Recurring Revenue (“ARR”)

ARR is an operating measure VMware uses to assess the strength of the Company’s subscription and SaaS offerings. ARR is a performance metric and should be viewed independently of, and not as a substitute for or combined with, revenue and unearned revenue. ARR represents the annualized value of VMware’s committed customer subscription and SaaS contracts as of the end of the reporting period, assuming any contract that expires during the next 12 months is renewed on its existing terms and any applicable termination for convenience clauses are not exercised, except that, for consumption-based subscription and SaaS offerings, ARR represents the annualized quarterly revenue based on revenue recognized for the current reporting period.