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Fedora Asahi Remix 40 is now available

We are happy to announce the general availability of Fedora Asahi Remix 40. This release brings the newly released Fedora Linux 40 to Apple Silicon Macs. Fedora Asahi Remix is developed in close collaboration with the Fedora Asahi SIG and the Asahi Linux project. It was unveiled at Flock 2023 and first released later in […]

Fedora Asahi Remix 40 Released for Apple Silicon Devices

Fedora Asahi Remix 40 is now available, bringing Fedora Linux 40 to Apple Silicon and offering KDE Plasma 6 as a top desktop choice.

FreeBSD to Get a New Graphical Installer for Easier Installation

The FreeBSD team is developing a new graphical installer for FreeBSD, aiming to make installation and setup process easier for beginners.

DietPi April 2024 News (Version 9.3) & Open Beta Version 9.4.0

DietPi recently released version 9.3, followed by Open Beta v9.4.0, with both updates introducing new features, enhancements, and bug fixes to the lightweight Linux distribution. DietPi: DietPi is a lightweight and optimized OS based on Linux, specifically designed for single-board computers and small-scale devices. It aims to provide a minimal and efficient environment for running […]

PeerTube 6.1 Introduces Account Import/Export Feature

PeerTube 6.1, a decentralized video platform, brings account import/export, original video file preservation, and more.

Gaupol: Create or Edit Subtitle Files with a Free Subtitle Editor

Gaupol is a free and open-source subtitle editor that allows anyone to easily create or edit subtitle files and supports multiple subtitle formats.

How to embed documentation in Bash scripts

Documenting how an application works, its purpose, and its intended usage is really important, even if it is just a simple shell script we are talking about. To ease code maintenance in the most basic cases, documentation can be embed directly inside scripts. In this tutorial we learn how to include Pearl’s Plain Old Documentation syntax (POD) in bash scripts, and how to convert it to various formats using pod2 utilities such as pod2man and pod2html.

How to Install Telegram on Ubuntu (and Other Linux Distro’s)

In this article, you will discover different ways to install the Telegram desktop client on Linux, including steps to enable dark mode.

How to Find Files Containing a Specific Text (String) on Linux

Discover a step-by-step guide on how one can search for files containing specific text (or strings) on Linux without using any external tools.

10 Things to Do After Installing Fedora 40 (Workstation)

A list of 10 things you can perform after installing Fedora 40 Workstation Edition. A curated list just for you of this release.

Dynebolic is a Portable OS You Can Bring Everywhere With You

Dynebolic is a fully open-source portable Linux distro for multimedia production. Learn what makes it special and how to run it on PC today.

Linux Mint 22 Will Bring XApp Independence, Improved Security, and Compatibility

The upcoming release of Linux Mint 22 will introduce significant changes, particularly in handling XApp , GNOME applications, and the Software Manager. These changes aim to enhance the overall user experience within the Linux Mint ecosystem, bolster security, and improve compatibility. Let's examine what you have to look forward to in Linux Mint 22 and the implications of these changes for Linux …

Lightweight Dillo browser springs back to life, still doesn't care about JavaScript

First new version in almost a decade now boasts TLS. The Dillo web browser has returned with a new release, version 3.1. It's nearly nine years after version 3.05 appeared on the last day of June 2015.…

Understanding the Basics of SELinux Policy Management on CentOS

In the vast ocean of Linux security, SELinux stands as a stalwart guardian, often misunderstood yet crucial for safeguarding systems against potential threats. As administrators and users delve deeper into the realms of CentOS, mastering SELinux policy management becomes imperative for ensuring robust security configurations. This article aims to demystify SELinux policy management on CentOS, providing an introduction to its intricacies and functionalities.

Immich Team Goes Full-Time, Joins Forces with FUTO

Big news for Immich users! With FUTO's support, it is now going full-time, continuing its privacy mission without paywalls. Here's more on that!
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